Sunday, January 02, 2005


I've been thinking more and more about something that has been a constant thread in many of my posts of late, whether I'm talking about Richard Russell, Random Roger, Chairman MaoXian, Marty Whitman, or even Dwight Eisenhower--that's novelty, freshness, whatever you want to call it. The point is, do I get something that I don't get elsewhere. There's lots of media out there, and many of them say the same thing, or basically the same thing, tell you the same data, make the same arguments, give the same advice. Sometimes its worthwhile info, even if everyone is saying it, but other times (and markets are a good example of this) if everyone is leaning the same way, than the money may be in going a different way.

So . . . what I'm interested in, is getting something (facts, analysis, thinking, advice, suggestions) that you don't see everywhere else. That's where the real value added is. What's really a waste is PAYING for the same old, same old. This is where Richard Russell is right about a lot of the other old-line newsletter writers. There's a lot of people on the net giving away a different angle--why would I pay for the party line?

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