Tuesday, January 18, 2005

WSJ on the falling dollar

"a growing chorus warns that the U.S.'s gaping budget and trade deficits will lead to a crisis in which the dollar falls much more sharply, driving up interest rates and squeezing the economy. . . "(subscription link, sorry)

Well, its official, then. I'm no longer very worried about this scenario. If this meme can become so widespread that it makes it to the front page of the Wall Street Journal, for goodness sake, it has already been so thoroughly discounted by the marketplace as to be unlikely. My bias has always been that the more everyone can see it coming, the less likely it is to happen, Richard Russell and the Mishedlo board at the Fool notwithstanding.

Plus I think there's only a couple million guys over at the Yahoo boards telling each other they suck who believe this as well . . .

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