Friday, December 31, 2004

Chairman MaoXian

had an interesting link to a Richard Russell comment. Russell was lamenting the disappearance of the old line newletter publishers, other than himself. He's pretty much got it right--the Internet and proliferation of "free" data and opinion. Russell's an interesting character--I subscribed to him for a while. He is a good writer, but for me, in the end, it was just more of the same "the sky is falling, the dollar is going to hell, gold is the only real money, the trade deficit will kill us, the US is the new Rome, Bush is an idiot" stuff that you can get for free (or at least cheaper) in a lot of other places on the net (like the Mishedlo board at the Fool). Some of that stuff may be true, but in all honesty I thought he was just regurgitating a lot of the groupthink from the New York Times, LA Times, Financial Times, etc, that he makes no secret of reading and liking. So while he's made some great calls over the years, in an ironic way he's kind of an exception to his observation--he's still around, even though you can basically get elsewhere for free what he offers for 300 bucks a year or whatever.

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