Thursday, January 27, 2005

Jim Cramer

Random Roger made a comment about Jim Cramer today. I guess I kind of have mixed feelings about Cramer--on the one hand, he's VERY entertaining, on the other hand, he has made some crazy cat calls (but who am I to talk?). At times, he's a pretty good contrary indicator. The most notable contrary call (of sorts)I can remember him making was at one point last year he said the market was rallying because it was convinced Bush would lose and needed to go. Irrespective of who one supported in the election, after that call it was pretty clear Bush would win just because JC called it for the other guy. Yeah, he's got people writing books bashing him; I hope I'm that successful someday, that people talk about what b*st*rd I am!
Anyway, put Cramer on TV and I'll watch.

Yes, I'm sick and I need help.

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