Sunday, January 23, 2005

Gala Time

A blog I've started to read regularly is Kaushik Gala' s GalaTime. He had an excellent executive summary of the LBRGroup's Night Owl Session--a Sunday night chat (7-9 CST) with some chart reading. I gave myself a virtual head slap when I saw his summary because I had meant to check out the Night Owl Session but forgot. My summary of his summary--be ready to short the rallies in weak equities, and get ready for oil to make another leg up. Specifically mentioned to short on retracements to their 20 ema were AEP AGN AMAT BBBY BBH BEN CAT COST CSC DAL JDSU JPM DGX DHR DRI ESRX ETN F FD FDO JNS FDX FNM FON FRE GT IBM IP ITW KSS LIZ LLY MER MERQ MTG MU NXTL SLM SPLS TER TRB TXT.

Thanks for the summary Gala.

I may own or be short or have no position in any stocks mentioned in this blog, and otherwise all elements of the disclaimer are still operative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are welcome :)
