Saturday, January 15, 2005


Paul Kedrosky is an interesting guy who has, among other things, a blog called Infectious Greed. He also has put together an RSS feed of 13F filings with the SEC (link is an RSS feed, so it may not look right depending on your brower) so you can easily keep track of what "the boys" are buying and selling.

Scanning the 13Fs yesterday night, I noticed a filing from GMO, Grantham Mayo VanOtterloo, home of Jeremy Grantham who always has some interesting things to say about the market. (Link might require registration). There were a number of large foreign positions in their filing-- America Movil (AMX, Mexican cellphones), China Mobile Hong Kong (CHL, Chinese cellphones), China Telecom (CHA, more Chinese cellphones), Grupo Financiaro Galicia (GGAL, Argentinian bank) Sk Telecom Ltd (SKM, South Korean cellphones, Telefonos De Mexico S A (TMX, Mexican telecom), and Votorantim Celulose E Papel Sa(VCP, Brazilian paper)

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