Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Welcome to everyone finding this site. I continue to be pleasantly surprised and gratified by the number of people stopping by to read what I have to say. I always want to hear what people have to say, email me at harryjaloti@hotmail.com. As it states above, I'm not a financial professional in any sense of the word, I'm just a guy with some money to invest, and therefore it behoves me to do the best I can with it, because its MY money. In case you haven't read it yet, let me refer you to my guiding principles, my long term view, an update to my long term view, a little nonsense about technicals and fundamentals, and my disclaimer.

Let me also take this chance to thank the fine sites that have linked to me, such as Trader Mike, Sixth World, and Phat Investor. (Love that word, phat, its a really --- phat word.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking me as well Jaloti!

Tom @ SW