Sunday, February 20, 2005

Weekend Wazzup for February 20, 2005

My roundup of the Fox News Channel' s "Cost of Freedom" Saturday Morning shows-- is here.
Weighing in on the Roundtable today are Tom at Sixth World, Ron Sen, Bill Cara, Kaushik Gala, Levi Bauer , and yours truly. The stock is AAPL, and I think everybody has some useful insights, even if we all pretty much came to the same conclusion.
Speaking of my roundtable brothers, it looks like Tom may have some big news soon. Good luck, Mr. and Mrs. Sixth World!
Ron Sen has changed the name of his blog to Technically Speaking. Ron, I don't care what you call it, it's still great stuff. He had a whole plethora of posts covering a wide range of topics, including many charts. He coined the best nickname this week: "Abby-normal Joseph Cohen."
Bill Cara had, as he usually does, an outstanding review of the week. I was somewhat surprised to see him on the same side of the LEXR trade as Tobin Smith. Maybe I need to look at that one.
Levi the Soothsayer of Omaha had what I consider a model of evaluating a stock--take a look at his review of AAPL.
Moving on and picking a name at random, Roger Nusbaum had a couple very insightful comments--one of them being a more in depth view of something I commented on as well. He also asks if a bell is ringing for Brazil, Russia, India and China. I said it before I'll say it again, I can always count on Roger for insights I don't get elsewhere.
Always providing insight is Chairman MaoXian, whose newsletter came out a day early this weekend. He's not taking more donations for it at this time, but he's still the man! ;>) Check out his chat every weekday 8:30-9:30 Eastern time.
Also check out Byrne's Marketview who has a couple observations on the Verizon-MCI deal.
CommodityTrader noted that the price of copper is nearing an all-time high. (Still hasn't done anything for my position in MKRR, though.)
Ugly at uglychart also weighs in with his view of AAPL. There has been some good natured back and forth about this. I was also interested to see his review of Shaolin Soccer, a movie that I enjoyed as well.
New on my list of blogs is Stephen Castellano at Reflections on Equity Research--he links to Jaloti, how bad can he be! ;>)
TraderMike has been quiet so far this weekend. He's probably busy reading the rest of us. :>)

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