Friday, February 04, 2005

Loser List for February 5, 2005

Gold is cracking the uptrend line on the daily chart, and touching it on the weekly, and all the individual gold stocks are oversold. Bounce here? Or is the bloom off this rose?
ATVI catches a bid at 23, but if it can't get above the high of 23.8 I'm out.
OXGN mentioned in the chairman's chat, opened at 5.68, went to 5.81, now at about 5.5. Its in a downtrend; this looks like a shorting opportunity to me--if you can get shares.
SGEN is in a downtrend, trying to rise, but can't get above 6.Short?
AOC catchin' a bid around 22.5
KBH those homebuilders just keep rockin. Probably don't want to chase here though.
TIP is back up with the strength in bonds.
FBR play that galatime mentioned the other day? It's an options play on earnings, which come out on Feb. 9, some maybe wait till next week?

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