Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I have seen the future . . .

mobile . . . wireless. . . broadband. And I don't mean Wi-Fi, I mean a fast wireless internet connection available over an entire metro area. For the last couple days, I've been using a new wireless broadband product from VerizonWireless that seems to pretty much deliver on what's promised. I plan on posting a more comprehensive evaluation and description in the next couple days, but for now, if you live in one of 20 or so US metro areas that VerizonWireless offers this product in, you might want to find out more.
Full disclosure: Yes, I am a Verizon affiliate and I get a piece of the action if anyone orders from this page. I am paying full price for the product, and I plan on telling the unvarnished truth about it, but, yeah, I have an incentive.
Like I said, I'll write more. In the meantime, any questions email me at harryjaloti@hotmail.com

UPDATE--I have since written a more complete review here.

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