Thursday, February 03, 2005


Random Roger had a nice post (not just because he linked me, although it helps;>)) that mentioned interactions amongst bloggers. I agree with him 100%--one of the many great aspects to this medium is that if what you say isn't quite right, somebody will let you know about it, to yours and your readers' benefit. I learned this early on, when I posted something that was flat out wrong, and Trader Mike pointed it out to me. At that time, I didn't even realize anyone was reading me, and here's a "name" in the market blog world leaving a comment on my site. Sure, I was chagrined at making a stupid mistake, but frankly it was one of the most encouraging things that has happened to me since I started this endeavor. Along the way, I've had very postitive interactions with Chairman MaoXian, Thomas Ott from Sixth World, Ugly at UglyChart, Galatime, as well as Roger and Mike and others, and I like to think that I get a little better at this (and maybe, heaven forbid, at trading and investing as well) with my interactions with my betters in the blogosphere.

1 comment:

Michael said...

One of the best benefits of blogging is that we can help each other learn.