Friday, March 18, 2005

Loser List for March 18, 2005

For entertainment and/or education only. I may be long, short or out of any of these stocks, and positions may change in a flash. . .

CENT long,stop at 43.5
PTA long, stop at 2.25
X long, stop at 54
ARS long, stop at 24.5
CPC a breakout if it can stay above 17
CMVT, a breakout, pulled back, a buy if it stays above 25
OMR long stop 3.2
WSTM long above 5.13
RGF short, stop 33
TELK short a break of 15
CPL long, stop at 20

How to use this list. And don't forget the disclaimer . . .


Ron Sen, MD, FCCP said...

Dear Jaloti,

I'm trying to break the (terrible) addiction to low-priced stocks. I've tried PennyStocks Anonymous, medication, meditation, standing on my head, stamping my feet, and holding my breath. Of course, my feet are sore and after I turn blue, I start breathing again.

Of course, you include the 'pennies' on your Loser List.

Do you have any suggestions?


Ron (no more penny stocks listed on my blog)

Jaloti said...

I forget the context, but I once heard somebody's addiction described as "a worse jones than china white".
That applies here.
It's a bad problem.
I got nothing.
