Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Next Spitzer?

Check this out.

So let me get this straight--the Massachusetts SecState, because he is "charged with protecting Massachusetts Gillette shareholders who will have to vote on the PG/G deal", subpoenas documents, hires a consultant to look at them, and decides that PG lowballed it, and that the G shareholders deserve more.
Maybe Steve Castellano or Byrne or Levi or one of you smart guys can help me out on this one.
What's this guy's angle?
Is he playing the Spitzer card? Running for governor?
Or just trying to help holders of G in MA?


Anonymous said...

He is running for governor and trying to divert attention from the Big Dig. One of the major new tunnels is leaking!!! Too bad for all his time in office, he didn't tackle all the Big Dig problems coming to light now. These guys are politicians first, public servants when it suits their agenda. I was stuck in trafic because of leaks for 2 hours in September. I wish he was this concerned with all of the $$$ mis-managed on the big dig. I'm pretty sure it effects me more than the GE deal!!!

Lisa (an over-taxed MA resident)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant G (not GE) deal! Posted without preview, when will I learn!!!!


Jaloti said...

Thanks, Lisa, that's just the kind of insight I was looking for.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaloti, I'm not going to pretend to know anything about his particular subject, but I'd have to agree that in general it's always a good idea to look beyond someone's actions to their motivation. The motivation behind any action is really what is important. Perhaps going off on a tangent, just look at the all the talk surrounding the MCI takeover. It's all just white noise once you understand each parties motivations for saying/acting in a certain way...