Sunday, March 13, 2005

Weekend Wazzup for March 13, 2005

My roundup of the Fox News Channel' s "Cost of Freedom" Saturday Morning shows-- is here.

Bill Cara once again presents an very thorough review of the week. The very provocative money quote: "I have one thing to say to the buyers of stock on Friday March 4; if you were solicited by a broker to buy MSO stock at $36 that day, and you can prove (probably easily) that your brokerage firm sold stock from their inventory position that day, you have a 100 percent chance of winning a lawsuit. Get a lawyer." I wish Bill would tell us what he really thinks! Like he did when he talked about being voted off the blog island last week in Uglychart's running "survivor" contest for stock market blogs. Don't take it personally, Bill, I think the number of votes reflects the number of readers, or something; interestingly, I think Random Roger had only a single digit number of votes last week, and now has a huge lead. All I know is Jaloti is getting hits right from the contest--publicity is publicity as long as they spell your URL correctly. (That's J A L O T I--it is not my real name, it is short for Just another loser on the internet, in case anyone hasn't figured that out yet.) At any rate, whether he gets voted off or not, Random Roger had a Big Picture post on investing (or not investing) in currencies and commodities. He says he believes in keeping it as simple as possible, and doing what you are comfortable with. Good advice for most everything, frankly. Always full of good advice is Stephen Vita at Alchemy of trading. He had a nice chart of TOL breaking a trend line, and he also previews a post for tonight. (I guess he knows something about marketing as well as trading;>)). Stockcoach had some interesting comments about checking your portfolio mulitple times a day even if you're not a daytrader. (If I'm not mistaken Nassim Nicholas Taleb has written something about this as well.) Moving on, Taylor Tree made some comments about Galatime's covered call work. Sounds like Taylor's posting is inhibited by his day job. I can sympathize, mate--good luck. Gala had some interesting more general posts on options--keep it up Gala, both the general and the specifics! Stephen Castellano at Reflections on Equity Research had a few interesting posts--thoughts on TiVo (I love my TiVo, except that MY TiVo isn't a TiVo, it's a Cox DVR, which I think in some way makes his point), about how you don't need to give yourself an MI to be a good analyst (it doesn't even help) and about the always intriguing RFID. Byrne's Marketview has also been busy, opining on the Warner Music IPO, the FERC nullifying Enron contracts, the Five Dumbest Things from, a dot.con job, and more of the Qwest-MCI-Verizon love triangle. The Soothsayer of Omaha, besides tipping us to the Mark Cuban portfolio revelation, also offered a slightly different perspective on oil prices. TraderMike reflected on a wild Friday, (in the markets, that is). Chairman MaoXian's newsletter came out today. Check out his chat every weekday 8:30-9:30 Eastern time, often you'll find a loser there.
Ron Sen has been quiet other than one thought-provoking post; maybe it has something to do with a basketball tournament?. Sixth World's Gazette has also been quiet so far this weekend(probably busy reading the rest of us ;>)).
Have a great week, everybody!

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