Friday, April 01, 2005

Loser List for April 1, 2005

For entertainment and/or education only. I may be long, short or out of any of these stocks, and positions may change in a flash. . .

AEL a breakout, stop at 12.5
BKHM a breakout--but what's the entry point???
CVO again, what's the entry point?
LFB buy strength, stop at 18.42
RNDC buy strength, stop at 2.50
SKS big gap up, long, stop at 17.3
TTH short weakness, stop at 27
VTS long, stop at 29.4
WDC breakout gap up stop at 12.5
INT long, stop at 30.7
APOL still looks like a short, stop at 75
ARBX, short it! stop at 20
AVID short, stop at 55
MHK short, stop at 85.2
NARA short it below 14
SNN short, stop at 47.5
WMT short it stop at 51

I'm going to start putting the penny stock list in a separate post to make it easier for Ron Sen to ignore . . .

How to use this list. And don't forget the disclaimer . . .

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