Sunday, April 17, 2005

Weekend Wazzup for April 17, 2005

My roundup of the Fox News Channel' s "Cost of Freedom" Saturday Morning shows-- is here.

The big question this weekend is do we get a tradeable bounce here, or do we keep going lower?
Tom Ott at Sixth World notes the climbing VIX and says, time to buy! Taylor Tree is also looking for a rally from here. The Alchemy of Trading also says it might be time to buy--er, not quite, almost, not really, yet. Roberto's Nasdaq trader asks whether we have a Black Monday coming, and whether water is the next oil. Random Roger presented a defensive plan for Monday and had a very worthwhile quote from Barron's.

The Soothsayer of Omaha had an enlightening review of the technical picture at this point. Ron Sen had a nice post bringing together George Soros, Marty Schwartz, and toreadors; his Chart Student site showed what's up (or down) with the TNX, and the VIX. Bill Cara once again presents his comprehensive review of the week--he has a lot to say about Jim Cramer, so Cramer fans will want to check this one out. TraderMike summed up last weeks's action as "positively negative"and pointed to a piece by Dr. Duru on getting the Fed wrong.

Galatime summarized his recent options trade results and discussed whether changing exit strategy might be worthwhile. Shiau Street takes note of the plunge in Apple. Byrne's Marketview noted Mickey D's plans for espresso. Chairman MaoXian is still posting the gratuitous Friday picture; check out his chat every weekday 4:30- 5:30 Eastern time. Stockcoach is still on an extended break, but hopefully will be back soon. Uglychart's "remainder" contest for stock market blogs continues, vote early and often! Ugly also points out that the end is nigh and that Garry Kasparov was attacked with a chessboard.

Stephen Castellano at Reflections on Equity Research has a new project up and running-- an open source equity research unit called Maverick Society Investment Research. Click on the link and check it out!

I encourage everyone to check out the Present Moment Trading Campaign by Market Monk. He's got a lot of posts, just start reading them.

Stephen Vita at the Alchemy of Trading usually has a great Sunday night overview-watch for it. Also watch for the LBR group's Sunday night chat--they usually have some good stuff.

Have a great week!

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