Sunday, April 03, 2005

Weekend Wazzup for April 3, 2005

Apparently, there will be no broadcast of the Fox News Channel' s "Cost of Freedom" Saturday Morning shows due to continuing coverage of the death of Pope John Paul II.

Weighing in on the Roundtable so far are Ron Sen, and Levi Bauer; other Roundtable members are Tom at Sixth World, Bill Cara, Kaushik Gala, and yours truly.

Speaking of my Roundtable brothers, Ron Sen had a nice roundup of some disparate events, as well as a hilarious roundtable of his own. He also had some nice chart analysis on his new blog entitled, oddly enough, Chart Student. Just this AM, he made some observations worth reading on what's going on with ETFs. Galatime had an update to a previous option position, as well as an April Fools' Day cartoon. Tom Ott at Sixth World had some more stock scans . Check out his list at Bill Cara once again presents an his review of the week.

Taylor Tree
had an outstanding post comparing the economy and markets now to the early 1970s. I'm not sure that history repeats that closely, but I do think it rhymes pretty well. I AM sure that he will have another post worth reading either later today or tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it.

Chairman MaoXian announces that his chat will be back next week, likely after the close at 4:30 to 5:30 PM Eastern time--check out his website for the details.

Stephen Castellano at Reflections on Equity Research presented a thoughtful overview of how analysts make industry forecasts. He also had some thoughts on switching to an equity research career.

TraderMike welcomes a new nephew but also talks about maybe looking for a different job. We don't want your blog to go away, but even if it's bad for us, hopefully whatever you do will be good for you, Mike.

Byrne's Marketview gave another update on the MCI-Qwest-Verizon merger a trois (my hat is off to anyone who successfully games that one!)

Random Roger has an interesting anecdote about how much help a broker will give you when a stock like AIG hits a rough patch. (Hint: the choices are slim and none.)

Ugly at uglychart has a running "survivor" contest for stock market blogs. Last week, Jaloti got several hundred votes but lost. This week, I got ZERO votes. How does that work? He also had a post worth reading on movies. Speaking of movies, this might be a good time to check out The Shoes of the Fisherman. Not a great movie, but it turned out to be ironically prescient.

Shiau Street has been busy with a thesis, and his new site, wikistocks. Stockcoach is still on an extended break.

Stephen Vita at the Alchemy of Trading made some points about risk control. Check him out tonight, he usually has a good roundup then.

LBR Group usually has a free Sunday night chat session--check it out.

And that's wazzup in the blogsphere this weekend.

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