Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Predictions are hard....

This makes a lot of sense, as a description of why the present government budget is a bad idea. At least, I thought it was, until the last paragraph, when the author (referring to himself in the third person) says:
The abject moral failure of the new team to identify much less to propose a solution to the End Game is extremely disturbing to the present author. Despite his initial support of President Obama, he increasingly wonders whether we have the right team in place.

I guess maybe the third person thing should have clued me in.....

If the author couldn't see through Obama (who is very plain about what he is), why should I trust his analysis now?

Monday, May 04, 2009

Chicago thugs in the White House

Yeah, that's not good......President Unicorn, the agent of hopeychangey, OMMPBUH*, is apparently using his minions to strong arm Chrysler creditors into moving down the debt food chain.

Governor Doubtfire did the same thing here in Arizona when it came to renaming a mountain after Lori Piestawa.

The big question is: why is he so interested in the capital structure of Chrysler, when he is manifestly not a capitalist?

*Obama the Most Merciful (Peace Be Upon Him)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Biden Gaffe

By now, most everyone has heard the latest Bidenism--that he'd tell people not to fly or ride the subway because of the risk of swine flu.

The Robert Gibbs response was priceless--- "I think the vice president misrepresented what the vice president wanted to say," Gibbs went on to explain that what Joey MEANT was to stay off trains/planes IF YOU HAVE THE FLU. Which is not even remotely what he said. Even Jake Tapper called him on it.

Frankly, I wonder why Gibbs didn't just say, "What the vice president MEANT to say was--I love pink ponies! And unicorns! yeah, pink ponies and unicorns--that's it."

I guess the larger question is why is Joe Biden regard any differently than a crazy old uncle who's never been right since being kicked in the head by a mule? "Biden gaffe" gets over 400K hits on google. Remember, he's already on record praising his boss for being "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" presumably in contrast to those gangstas on BET.

And conservatives are the backward and racists ones. Riiiiiiight.

Best comment of all so far: "They told me that if I voted for McCain we'd have a Vice President who was a moron... and they were right!"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu: allah's revenge against the infidel.....

When I first read that Egypt ordered all its pigs to be slaughtered due to swine flu concerns, I thought to myself "Egypt has pigs? Don't they consider that wonderful, magic animal to be unclean?"

But then I found the backstory. It's the Christian minority in Egypt who owns the pigs. Not just owns them, but raises them as a way to make a living.

What a wonderful, magical way to use a perceived crisis as a way to screw over the infidels. Once again, its the religion of peace: finding new ways to screw with people since 622.....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I feel like I'm GETTING swine flu......

.....every time I see this one talking about it......

Enough already!

Low flying planes in NYC

So President Unicorn wanted a photo for his airplane, but they didn't tell anybody and thus many thought it was 9/11 all over again.

Haven't these hip, happenin' people in the White House ever heard of photoshop?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*sigh* I could have warned you about this.....

Napolitano equates Canadian, Mexico borders....


Where to begin?

This woman was governor of Arizona for two terms.

I never understood that.

The press here largely gave her a free pass, and this sort of stupid statement, followed by "I didn't say that/you misunderstood me" was commonplace.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Roubini: 'Suckers Rally' to Fade Amid Economy Woes

Money: "Nouriel Roubini, one of the few experts to foresee the current global crisis, said Tuesday a recent "suckers rally" in stock markets would fade as the U.S. economy continues to wither and the financial system suffers unexpected shocks."

Yep, he's been right so far.

And the natural history of such things is that people like this are right.....until they are wrong.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Might as well go nuclear.....

.... right out of the box

Stuck on the couch for a few days due to my back going out, I had the opportunity to spend more time on the tubes, as well as catch some baseball on THE tube. I was a HUGE baseball fan as a child, drifted away in the 80s and 90s, and have slowly reconnected in the past couple years. Thanks to no DST in wild west Arizona, and having glorious liquid crystal wide screen high definition cable, I was able to watch 3 ballgames in living color on Wednesday, April 15. That date is significant for a couple reasons that I'll explore here.

In Major League Baseball, April 15 is Jackie Robinson Day, to memorialize the day in 1947 when the Brooklyn Dodgers put a black man in the lineup, breaking the informal but very real "color line" that kept many of the most talented players out of the game, just because of the color of their skin. In this regard, baseball was no different from the military, education, industry and most other segments of American society at that time: it wasn't just whether you could do the job, you also had to have the right-- white --skin color. Jackie Robinson, as the first black baseball player of the modern era, had to be almost literally twice as good as the average white player, to be accepted. But due to his ability, and the strength of his character, he WAS accepted, not because of his skin color, but because he could perform. In subsequent years, baseball has seen more blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and god forbid, even Australians become major league players and stars.

The modern era of baseball is generally considered to have started in 1900. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947. Thus, there have been black players in MLB longer than there weren't. Jackie Robinson deserves to be remembered, and honored for what he did. So does Branch Rickey, the President of the Dodgers who hired him, who famously said "my selfish objective is to win baseball games."

So how was he honored on this April 15? Every player, on every major league team, wore a jersey with Robinson's number, 42, and no name. Every player was introduced as "....number 42, ....". On scoreboards, the section showing other games which usually has a standard abbreviation that includes the numbers of the pitchers, just showed 42, because, everywhere, #42 was pitching. Although one of the Arizona Diamondbacks announcers pronounced that "beautiful", I found it confusing, because I wasn't sure who was who. In fact, in the Milwaukee Brewers game, no one seemed to realize that Craig Counsell was playing instead of JJ Hardy, cause, after all, they were both number 42.

The only exception I saw all day to the 42-fest was Paws, the Detroit Tigers mascot, who at least has a pretty cool myspace page.

The depths were plumbed when the DBacks Eric Brynes, who could easily change his name to Whitey Whitepants and no one would bat an eye, hit a homer; the Dbacks announcer Daron Sutton proclaimed, "He must be so proud to hit a homer on Jackie Robinson Day, since when he was an undergrad at UCLA, he wrote a paper on the importance of Jackie Robinson to the civil rights movement." Byrnsie may be pretty fly for a white guy, but c'mon, honky please.....

The whole thing reminded me of a Saturday Night Live skit "new Baseball rules", (sadly the transcript is not online). As I recall it, Phil Hartman plays Fay Vincent, the new commissioner of Baseball after A. Bartlett Giamatti died suddenly. As Hartman explains, because Bart Giamatti was so extraordinary, and so loved, he was changing his own name to "A. Bartlett Giamatti", the game was being renamed "Bartball", and all baseball players first names would immediately be changed to "Bart". When a reporter attempts to ask a question, Hartman says to him "yes, Bart?" It was hilarious 20 years ago; today it's a little too real.

When real life actions become reminiscent of an SNL skit, then, my friends, things have sunk to self parody.

Honor Jackie Robinson? HELL YES!

Honor him by praising what's good, and criticizing what's bad no matter WHO does it.

Baseball, at its best, is beautiful that way: hit a home run, "YAY!" drop an easy fly ball "BOO!".

Break the color barrier "YAY!" Make everybody wear 42 and mouth inanities "BOO!"

So the other significance of April 15? Tax Day, and Tea Parties. (Stick with me, this is not a non sequitor). All over the country, ordinary people gathered, in the finest traditions of the republic, to express their displeasure with a government that is spending more and more of the people's money on things it was never empowered to spend money on. Auto company bailouts? Carbon emissions cap and trade? Socialized medicine? Show me where those are in the constitution.

Many in the establishment media expressed bewilderment at just what was being protested. One CNN info-blonde tried to argue with a protestor, essentially asking him if he understood that this government is giving something for nothing?

I'll tell you what people are mad about.

People are mad about a President, a Congress, a media and an "establishment" that is telling Joe Average Hardworking American that he needs to be taxed more, needs to apologize to other countries, needs to be considered a possible terrorist if he is a gun owner, and on and on.

People are mad about somebody slicing up baloney and telling them "hey, look at this fine steak here."

And though many people are afraid to say it, people are mad that somehow we need to say "YAY!" to the first black president but can't say "BOO!" when he drops the ball.

And here's the point. We'll never be post-racial in this country, if we can't call a black president a bum.

I think ObamaTheMostMerciful(PeaceBeUponHim) and his ilk suck. I think he's a bum. Not because he's black, but because I think he's red.

We have a long tradition in this country of being able to say our leaders suck. People exercised this right repeatedly with George W. Bush in office. This right didn't go away on January 20.

I don't care what color the batter is. If he homers for my team, "YAY!" If he whiffs on what was clearly ball four, "BOO!"

Friday, April 17, 2009

New and Improved

He's baaaaaaaaaack!